Education for the 21st Century

Our programs bring learning to life.

Students and teachers alike love our programs. We offer engaging, rich and rigorous curricula and professional development in the areas of English Language Arts, English Literature and History. The result is much higher outcomes for students in reading and writing. Students in our programs become much more enthusiastic independent readers.

We are based in New York City and primarily work with New York City schools. However, the programs we have created are used in schools in over 25 countries on six continents. Some of our programs are international in nature and bring schools in the US together with schools in other countries for a year-long collaboration and shared inquiry.

In The News

Our Young Historians Program wins the attention of Harvard’s education magazine.

In the 21st century, it is possible, desirable and even necessary for students in different countries to learn together. The Young Historians Program brings together schools in the US and other nations for a year long inquiry into the two country’s shared history. Schools in the US and the UK study the development of the British colonies in America and the American Revolution. In 2023-2024, we will be launching our newest Young Historians Program with Ghana. Read about YHP at the link below and then enquire how your school can get involved by clicking here.

Featured Program


In our Bringing Classics to Life Plays program, teachers use plays to enliven the English Language Arts classroom. With proven success to turn reluctant readers into enthusiastic bookworms, the program allows all your students to enjoy great literature together.

Over 50 plays are available in this K-8 program including the ones listed below:

Bringing Classics to Life: Novels

Our Bringing Classics to Life: Novels program is a Grade 3-8 curriculum and professional development program for the teaching of long-form literature. Reading novels in their entirety sparks the imagination, fosters classroom community, improves every component of literacy from reading comprehension to fluency to depth and breadth of vocabulary, lengthens the concentration and provides a profound, shared experience among classmates.

To learn more about the novels program, please click here.

Understanding a story through the experiences of a character enables us to feel what it could have been like and helps us consider the impact of events, significant or otherwise, on ordinary people. Gaining a broad view of society, through the eyes of another, fosters understanding, tolerance and empathy and the value of these capacities cannot be underestimated in today’s world.
— Sally Law

Our Beliefs About Education

We believe in diversity, equity and inclusion for all.

We believe that education is a lifelong process and that the best teachers are the best learners. They learn alongside their students and from them.

We believe that education should enable people to develop skills and knowledge so that they can build wonderful lives for themselves and contribute to our world as only they can.

We believe that classroom learning should be compelling, engaging, challenging and fun. It should require imagination as well as logic, physical activity as well as mental agility, productivity as well as patience, social interaction as well as independent work. Laughter is a key component in all our programs.

We believe that education is outcome oriented. Our programs help students and teachers to grow as writers, readers, speakers, thinkers and debaters. The growth is measurable and shows in students’ class participation and reading habits as much as it does in their test scores.

And finally, we believe that the ability to concentrate is essential to all learning. It is a faculty that only develops with practice. All our programs work intentionally on the development of concentration so that students can lengthen their attention spans—a critical skill in the digital age. This helps them achieve at a higher level than previously possible.